Summer Party

Some days are worth to be remembered all your life and the best way is to pen it down in words. This is one of those days. A summer party with a football match. Can anything else beat this combination!! Though I never was so much into football, but when I was told I can…

Run Girl Run

♪ Put your left leg out ,♫ ♫ Put your right leg out, ♪ ♪ and move it all along. ♫♫ Running is as simple as that, just keep on repeating the above steps continuously 🙂 It was time to put my legs to some hard work. It was a week of races. Had 2…

Where Did it Go

Where did it go. Where did that silly smiling go, Where did that foolish twirling go, Where did that hop in the walk go, Once was a time when it was a part of me, but now it looks like a distant dream. I miss the days when a random thought used to bring out…

Karate Girl

I was so excited as I was going to attend my first Karate class today. I am not a big fan of martial arts, but when given a chance to try out something new, why not try it out ;). So me and a few people from work set out to do some kicking. The…